Making the decision to have a child is huge to say the least. You will feel as though your whole life is going to change and that there are endless things that you need to plan. This totally is the case, but there are things that you can do to try and prepare yourself…
Always Make a Plan
Having a baby can feel as though you are leaping into the unknown. You might find it hard to predict all of the ways that your life is going to change, and this is completely understandable. This can give you a ton of anxiety and stress, but if you want to try and deal with this then it helps to develop a budget. You might also want to try to pay off any debt that you have and create a savings account. This will give you the financial cushion you need to put your mind at ease. Of course, if you want to help yourself even more, then you might want to talk with your employer to discuss a date when you will go back to work. If your employer has a flexible schedule, then this is fantastic and you can really help yourself to relax a little more this way.
Cut Yourself Some Slack
A lot of first-time parents worry that they won’t be able to parent properly and they also worry that they aren’t going to be good at it either. This is not the case at all because everyone makes mistakes. Children don’t expect perfect parents. They just want someone who is going to love them, and someone who is always going to do their best for them. Parenting really is a learning curve, and the more you realise that you are not going to have everything figured out, the easier your life will become.
Listen to Yourself
You will be given a ton of advice when you are pregnant. This is great, but you have to remember to go with your instinct as much as possible. If you believe that something needs to be done, then listen to yourself. You are the parent after all, and the more you can trust your instincts, the better you will feel about making decisions in the future.
Talk with your Partner
Sometimes, it helps to do something fun with your partner so you can take the stress out of the pregnancy a little. Make time to discuss some baby names, or choose a pram together. When you do this, you can then focus on the things that are ahead and you can also relax a little. It doesn’t take a lot of effort and it is a great way for you to connect with your other half too.
So, having a baby is a huge decision, and it will come with a lot of stress as well. You do however have to remember that great times lie ahead and that this is a positive change for everyone involved. It will be the best thing you have ever done, good luck in preparing for your first child – if you have any other tips, let me know below….

April 3, 2019 at 12:36 pm
Really good advice. It’s so life changing having a baby and it’s great to be as prepared as you possibly can be!
April 3, 2019 at 3:29 pm
Goof advce, I always think it is important to trust your gut and to be kind to yourself, so we’re on the same page. Mich x
michelle twin mum recently posted…
April 4, 2019 at 12:40 pm
Aww this takes me back! loved the process of preparing for our first child – such a special time in our lives 🙂
April 4, 2019 at 9:44 pm
It’s so important to trust our own instincts and talk to our partners to decide when we are ready to start a family.
April 5, 2019 at 8:06 am
It seems so long ago that mine were babies now, but you are right – they do change the whole family dynamic
April 5, 2019 at 10:25 am
This is some really sound advice and takes me back to when I was expecting my first child – I was pretty nervous lol
Laura x
April 6, 2019 at 5:58 am
This is very good advice. I particularly agree with listening to yourself. You will have so much advice from everyone, but sometimes you need to do what YOU feel is right for YOUR baby!
April 7, 2019 at 10:59 am
Really good tips! It seems like such a stressful time!
May 7, 2019 at 7:41 am
Great tips x