Getting Your Teen Ready for Uni and Life

Getting Your Teen Ready for Uni and Life


Mummy says…With my eldest daughter having just graduated from Uni, and my other daughter looking to start Uni next September, as well as a teen son, I am really aware that too many teens today go off to university without the simplest life skills under their belt. A lot of first-year university students are malnourished, see an increase in weight, or some other decline in their health. Transitioning from being taken care of to taking care of oneself can be difficult and a huge shock. Going in without basic skills or knowledge can make make it harder. Teaching your teen life skills isn’t the only way you need to help prepare your teen for adulthood. I have put together a guide for you to help make sure your teen is ready for adulthood…

Getting Your Teen Ready for Uni and Life

1. Choose the Best School

One of the most obvious ways to prepare your child for Uni and life is to enrol them in one of the best schools that you can. Schools like Colchester High School offer the best learning environments with small classes and excellent extra- circular activities and clubs to help your child learn and develop. You want a school that has the resources and skills to help your child learn the curriculum and help them develop their own talents.

2. Teach Them Crucial Life Skills

Every teen should know how to cook before they go off to University. Teach them and have them help you make dinner and make dinner for your family so that they can practice and gain the knowledge and skills needed to maintain a healthy diet. Too many young adults are malnourished once they go to university because they don’t have the skill set to take care of themselves.
Teach them how to deep clean areas like the kitchen and the bathroom. Teach them how to properly do their own laundry. Teach them how to budget and how to start saving for their future. These life skills are not covered by school, and many young people find themselves out of their depth once they’re out on their own.

3. Help Them Plan Their Goals

There are not many employers who will hire a university graduate without any work experience. They cannot focus only on their studies and be guaranteed a job once they graduate. As such, you should sit down with your teen and work out a plan and set goals so that they can achieve everything they want to during their time at university. This means having an end goal or dream, and working towards it. This means getting jobs and work experience both on and outside of the  campus. It means being invested in their career as soon as they start university life.

Preparing your teen for life before they move will help them to stay healthy and succeed. If you don’t then they may struggle to learn crucial life skills, and they may not make the most of their time at university. Doing all you can to help them achieve academic success at a young age will help them get int, and study the program of their choice. By preparing in advance and helping your teen get ready for Uni and life now, you’ll both be more confident in their ability to take care of themselves and achieve their goals.

Have you teens in your family?


  1. This is very handy right now, my son has just turned 13 and trying to guide him the right way can be hard, I’m very lucky he is a good boy, and he is very helpful with his sisters, I do worry about him though as we have just moved and he is a little unsettled in school xxx

  2. eep I can’t even imagine my two going to uni but I know the time will fly past! x

  3. Nurture with love with lots of encouragement -pays dividends in the future
    Success and happiness

  4. I was so worried about my son when he went to uni. I had know idea if he would look after himself properly. These are exactly the things parents should think about
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  5. Great post! You’re right preparing your teen for life before they move will help them to stay healthy and succeed. Making student life successful is not easy but there are some simple steps that you can take to make sure that the process of going to university is as smooth as possible.

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