#30DBBC Complete!


You may remember that Mummy was challenging herself to write a blog post a day for 30 days as part of the #30DBBC  Blog Business Challenge. She wrote about the first week but time has gone so fast since then!

Well, just a couple of days before we flew to Menorca, she completed the challenge! Woohoo Well Done Mummy!


Mummy shared posts with our lovely readers about all sorts of things, and started a new weekly feature inspired by another blogger – Fab Five for Friday.

Many of our posts are about me – we share our weekly adventures every Saturday in our Project 365 round up – Mummy has been taking part in this for over eighteen months – when our blog first started. We also share My Weekly Photo which is a snapshot of me taken at some point the week before.

Every Tuesday, Mummy hosts #MyFavouritePost with the fabby Zena,Mummy’s blogging bestie from Zenas Suitcase All bloggers are welcome to link up any post they like.

On top of this, we share many reviews of products, experiences and holidays, host competitions and giveaways and share tips and advice on parenting a toddler and teens.


The #30DBBC has inspired Mummy so much that she has continued to write a post a day since the end of the challenge – even though we have been on holiday and plans to carry on doing so.

Here are some tips that Mummy has learned during the challenge –

1. Think about your title and keywords of each blog post. Repeat the title in the first paragraph of your post.

2. Google likes longer posts, so try and write at least 300 words in each post.

3. End each post with a ‘call to action’ such as a question.

4. Don’t get too hung up on meta tags, key words etc, if you use WordPress make sure you use SEO by Yoast to ‘do’ it for you.

5. Tag your photos with your keywords to help SEO too.

We hope you have enjoyed this post – and our blog so far. Have you set yourself any blog challenges?


  1. Well done! That must have taken a lot of effort. I don’t think I could blog a day!

  2. Well done on completing the challenge, it must have been tough! x

  3. Well done! That must have been a hard challenge to complete x
    Sabina Sher recently posted…Monochrome That: Bell Sleeves & D RingsMy Profile

  4. Well done on completing the challenge!! I think once you get into daily blogging it does get easier! 😀
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Claiming Child Maintenance…My experience!My Profile

  5. well done Kaz! I have tried and failed many times to do 30 days in a row. I always fail around the 20th day.
    Daniella recently posted…Me Time In Your Free TimeMy Profile

  6. Well done! I usually do 2 or 3 a day, but then I am crazy and have no life! It is a fab achievement when you have kids and responsibilities x
    You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…A Devon Break with Blue Chip HolidaysMy Profile

  7. I am debating doing Blogtober (30 days of blogging) but dreading how I would fit it all in x

  8. Congratulations on making it. I’ve been really bad recently with my blog and not felt that spark as not had anything worth writing about. You might inspire me to have a go now, if I can find anything to blog about.
    Janette Davey recently posted…Failing and succeeding as a work-at-home mumMy Profile

  9. Well done, a hard challenge! Great advice too, thanks for sharing x
    Claire recently posted…My interview about life with FibromyalgiaMy Profile

  10. wow, well done on doing the challenge. I like to write a post everyday too, but its so hard so congratulations x
    Michelle Murray recently posted…Pampers Wonder WeekMy Profile

  11. Yay well done on your challenge and completing it! x
    Sarah Bailey recently posted…Autumn Wish ListMy Profile

  12. Haha, that happens me all the time! I write a post ‘Welcome to my new series’ and it runs out after a handful of posts! Oh dear..
    Zoe Alicia recently posted…Is there such a thing as Recovery?My Profile

  13. Oh my how did you do it lol. Fair play to you. Dunno if I could do it. Thanks for the tip regarding title in first paragraph, will try that on future posts!
    Kellie Kearney recently posted…My Little Pony – How To Make a Unicorn HornMy Profile

  14. Ah well done 🙂
    I wish I had the time to do this, I’m averaging one a week at the moment, not good enough!
    Lucy Melissa Smith recently posted…Car Safety: Preparing To Travel With BabyMy Profile

  15. Well done on managing to post every day. Every month I say to myself that I am going to blog every single day and I never ever manage it as life gets in the way. I hope you have had a fantastic holiday xx
    Lindsay @ Newcastle Family Life recently posted…Miffy’s Adventures Big and SmallMy Profile

  16. Thanks so much I learned alot! I didn’t ever think to tag keywords to my photos but will do it any more. Really enjoy reading your blog everyday.
    Amanda recently posted…Babyboo.ieMy Profile

  17. Wow I am so impressed! I could never write a post a day even for a week! Well done on a huge achievement. Thank you for sharing your tips too, I love SEO by Yoast, I’d be lost without it!! x
    Becky, Cuddle Fairy recently posted…#foodpornthursdays 21My Profile

  18. well done you! I try and fail to post every day! Great tips too thanks! Although I have Yoast and I’m not sure it does it for me – unless I haven’t figured something out yet?

  19. Well done on completing the challenge 🙂 I once tried to write a post everyday. It didn’t last long. Great tips, I keep forgetting to do number 3! X
    Catriona recently posted…Osian at 23 MonthsMy Profile

  20. Well done!! I found writing about breastfeeding each day for a week for World Breastfeeding Week was really a challenge (especially as I decided to write another post for each day too!) And thanks for sharing your great blogging tips!
    Jenni – Odd Socks and Lollipops recently posted…WOTW – WashingMy Profile

  21. These are some really helpful tips, thank you! I’ve not really set myself any blog challenges other than try to be more organised. Which I am failing at miserably!
    Sian @ QuiteFranklySheSaid recently posted…Peppa Pig’s Surprise! Live Tour 2015/2016My Profile

  22. Well done! gosh it must have been tricky coming up with all that content! great tips too.
    Anna Fraser recently posted…Friday Stylefinder: Weekend Lux With Mint VelvetMy Profile

  23. Well done on completing the challenge, if I didn’t rite posts in bulk and then write one or two spontaneous posts I would be well and truly scuppered x
    Rachel recently posted…Stay well, warm and in control this winter with smart metersMy Profile

  24. Well done for completing your challenge and glad that it was inspired by another blogger that is really lovely to hear. I always write my posts in bulk, at the weekend I normally write my posts for the week.
    Ana De- Jesus recently posted…Pulse Clinic: A ReviewMy Profile


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