Living Arrows 1/52


This is my first time linking up to Living Arrows, a photography project where Mummy will share a photo a week of…!! This will be so cool to look back on at the end of the year! We are very excited!

Here is our first

living arrows 1

Living Arrows
I am also linking up for the first time to Practising Simplicity 52 Project 


  1. This picture is so cute. Looking forward to seeing more of what Mummy takes and how you grow 🙂

  2. What a beautiful photo. Lovely smile so infectious. I love black and white captures. Look forward to living arrows project again this year. #livingarrows

  3. Oh I am a total sucker for a dribbly grin – adorable! x

  4. Such a cute little face x #LivingArrows

  5. What a lovely big grin!

  6. Oh that is a killer smile – a smile that rather suggests its owner would like to make a cheeky request!!

  7. Wow mummy did a great job at taking this picture because you look beautiful! X

  8. We’ve joined in this year too 🙂 lovely photo, looking very happy 🙂 xx

  9. such a cheeky grin 🙂

  10. What a cheeky little face! Thank you so much for linking up to Living Arrows. I’m excited to see some new people joining us and look forward to seeing more from you as the year goes on! x

  11. So cute! Love the black and white #livingarrows

  12. Aw that is such a cute shot, what a cheeky face! My first time doing #livingarrows too, such a lovely project

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