How is it July already? I say it all the time, but seriously where is this year going? As my blog is primarily a record of our family life and travels, I thought it was about time I do an update on where we are all at…
Pickle – He is coming to the end of Year 1 – and is already quite excited about going into Year 2 in September. He is counting down to his 7th birthday in October – and actually wrote his Christmas List last week after hearing that there were only 20 Fridays until Christmas!!
His teacher called me over last week to tell me how pleased she is with him – his reading, writing and ‘attitude to learning’. I could have cried I was so proud. He is such a kind, caring, sociable little boy.
He still loves Lego and adores Minecraft and Roblox.
Luke – my 16 yo son is 17 this month. 17!! He is keen to drive asap and we are trying to find him a job. He passed his first year of Creative Media at college, and after his struggles in his last year of school, I am super proud of him.
He has a strong group of friends and is socialising quite a bit, which I am really pleased about.
Lea – my 19 yo daughter is home after her first year at Uni in London. She has struggled immensely – which I have mentioned before and which she documented on her blog. She is taking time to find heraelf again, to figure out who she is and who she wants to be. I am so proud of her. She has a job and is learning to drive. We are looking at her possibly returning to Uni next year.
Mimi – my 22 y0 who is 23 this month. She is settled in Bristol with a good job. She house shares with some other girls and seems quite happy and content. She is enjoying dating after a couple of heartbreaks and we miss her terribly. I am so proud of the amazing young woman she has become. She, along with Lea are my best friends.
What about me? I have been diagnosed with Lateral Hip Syndrome as I have been suffering extreme pain in my left leg for a very long time. I am currently awaiting Physio. I am enjoying (if that is the right word!) dating via online sites and am actually writing a book about it all as it is both fantastic and horrific at the same time!
I have just secured my first ‘proper’ regular work as a Marketing and Digital Marketing Co-ordinator, and have launched a local digital marketing company for Pembrokeshire businesses too.
As a family, we enjoyed a break at Centerparcs in May to celebrate my Mum’s 70th birthday and we are looking forward to a glamping holiday in August to the Lake District.
I am so glad I have found the time for this family update as they are so lovely to look back on. How is your year going?

July 3, 2019 at 4:04 pm
I’m sorry to hear about your hip. I’ve never been glamping but look forward to hearing about it!
July 3, 2019 at 10:19 pm
Sorry to hear about your hip, hope you don’t have to wait too long for physio and that if helps your pain. Glamping in the Lake District sounds amazing, hope you have a wonderful time. We are looking forward to our family holiday to Blackpool in August and welcoming our third child in November.
July 4, 2019 at 4:23 pm
Glamping in the Lakes sounds amazing. Sorry to her about your hip. Hope physio helps
July 5, 2019 at 8:42 am
Ahh I’m glad everyone is doing well. Made me laugh when pickle wrote his Christmas list. Hope you aren’t in too much pain!
July 5, 2019 at 8:56 pm
I’m sorry to hear about your hip – I hope you start feeling a bit better soon and the physio helps! I’m off glamping in August for the first time and can’t wait; let’s hope the weather holds out!
July 6, 2019 at 6:46 am
I hope you get to go to physio soon, I can’t imagine the pain but glad your family is doing so well.
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