Pickle says… We wish you a Merry Christmas as we sign off for a few days break over the holiday. My big sisters are home, and we are all enjoying being together. Mummy loves having us all home, and we want to make the most of this week…
We have had a wonderful week with Cofton Holidays in Devon, and on the way home last Friday we picked up biggest sis from Bristol. She is with us until the 30th so we want to have a weeks holiday together.
Mummy and my older bro and sisters have been watching lots of Christmas movies together, as well as grown up shows, drinking wine and just enjoying being together.
I am VERY excited for Christmas Day, i am having trouble getting to sleep, but we are having lovely lie ins, thank goodness.
We are looking forward to a real family Christmas, with our traditional family Chinese tonight, a full family day tomorrow, the Boxing Day Swim in Tenby (watching, not taking part!) and a day trip to Cardiff on Friday.
Look out for our reviews in the New Year of Cofton Holidays, Crealy Resort, Thorntons Chocolate, Bellissimo Hair in Cardiff, a fantastic multi-fuel burning stove giveaway and much more. We have some very exciting collaborations already lined up for 2019 so make sure you keep an eye out!
Thank you to all our readers, to all the PR companies and brands we have worked with in 2018, and to all our wonderful blogger friends for all your support. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year and will see you in 2019 as we enter our 5th year of blogging!
Normal service will resume on 2 January.

December 28, 2018 at 6:27 am
Thank you for sharing your Christmas excitements. Merry Christmas wishes to you too.
February 10, 2019 at 9:37 am
I’m on count down to Christmas 2019 – not long now