Post Pregnancy Fitness & Diet


Mummy says…

I have had four babies, my first when I was twenty five, my last when I was forty one! Post pregnancy fitness and diet was on my mind following each birth, and was tricky to maintain for one reason or another. When I was younger I think I physical recovery was easier, except after my first baby who was born by emergency  c-section. My diet did improve every time I weaned one of  my babies onto ‘our’ food, as I tended to make more home made food for them – and the rest of my family. I have always walked more with each new baby, there is nothing quite like walking along pushing your gorgeous new pram with your little bundle of joy snuggled up inside!

I was really interested to read this research from Mamas and Papas into post pregnancy fitness and diet. Us mums know that having a baby changes every aspect of our life, and it can have a positive effect on our fitness and diet too! So why not embrace your new baby even more and find a new healthier you together!


What do you think of the research and the findings?


  1. This is some interesting research and I generally agree. I have definitely become more active since having Oscar, especially now we only have one car. If I need to go out then I have to walk which means I’m moving around a lot more. I must admit though I do buy healthy food for Oscar and we just eat whatever…naughty, I know. I’m not less likely to order a takeaway either…possibly more likely through tiredness 😉

  2. Oh this is so interesting! It’s definitely something I’ve already been thinking about (in fact, I have a post-natal exercise blog post scheduled for tomorrow!) and it’s amazing to hear of all the brilliant healthy changes new Mums make to their lives – and by the sounds of it, mainly driven by wanting to be a healthy family together and give little ones a best start in life rather than just a desire to lose baby weight. REALLY interesting.
    Little Pickle’s Mom recently posted…Throwback Thursday: Pregnancy Announcement #tbtMy Profile

  3. That’s a handy link. Will pass that to the Mrs. Ta!

  4. This is really interesting- I hadn’t even thought about it, but I’ve definitely upped my exercise just by walking everywhere with the pram. I must do at least an hour a day compared to zilch before! However I’ve not been so well behaved with my diet- breastfeeding has made cake eating too easy and consequence free!!!!
    Really interesting reading.

  5. Oh this is intresting, I’m 23, had E at 22 so I found it quite easy to bounce back – I put that down to age, and the fact I’m always out. I definitely need to make some healthy changes to my diet though. x

  6. I was much healthier before having N – I used to exercise – squash, swimming, walking and a lot of dancing, and generally ate ok, but since having him I got really slack mostly down to time but also because I just wanted nice foods. Now 5 years later, I’m finally back dancing although only once a week, walk most lunchtimes, and am now on a diet to lose the weight over and above what I put on while pregnant.

    Given I was fit (dancing right up to 8 months pregnant) and healthy during my pregnancy I should have been able to carry that on, but just couldn’t be bothered.
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  7. It’s interesting how caring for children improves your diet. I think you have a responsibility to look after yourself when you are a parent – I exercise more now than ever
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  8. I always tried not to stress myself out about post pregnancy fitness…it wasn’t until recently that I even felt like I could have the time for it. It didn’t help that I had a winter baby. Now that he is toddling around I feel I have more energy and am ready to start again!
    Paula recently posted…Galentine’s Day Yay!My Profile

  9. oh really interesting I certainly get plenty of fitness as I never sit down with 6 kids

  10. I can imagine with 4 kids of all ages, exercise happens without really noticing it x
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  11. A great Infographic from mamas&papas, my mummy went to buggy fit and started swimming after she had me 🙂 She’s still a bit heavier than before she had me (with a tum) but managed to squeeze into her wedding dress (after 10 years!) last weekend (for my princess party). She knows she could do more to make sure our food is healthier though! Interesting research and no great surprise xx
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  12. This is all so true, I loved taking L out in the pram and showing him off! I got told off by my midwife for not resting enough and allowing my stitches to heal lol
    Idaintyit recently posted…Make Your Move Less StressfulMy Profile

  13. Interesting! I definitely move about more now I have children (in fact I never stop) but before children I went to the gym 3 x a week so I felt fitter.

  14. I can highly recommend the MUTU system is it gently gets all those muscles back in the right place
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  15. This is SO interesting. I had the twins when I was 40 so I’m classed as an an older mum and definitely would have lower fitness levels than someone in their 20s. But I definitely think my my ‘personal’ fitness levels are the best they’ve ever been! Having little ones when you’re older keeps you really young, I think! 🙂 I definitely don’t feel like an older mama 😉
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  16. Really interesting figures – I am hopeless at most of this – I definitely walk far more, but while I make sure my kids get a balanced diet, I am terrible for eating biscuits instead of dinner!
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  17. There is definitely something in this. My diet has improved no end and I’m so much more active now I have kids.
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  18. This is great. I’ve never really thought becoming a mum improves your fitness so I’m very surprised by those findings x
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  19. I completely agree with these findings, I exercise more with Lucas as I want him to have fresh air and I have been more conscious of what I eat because if breastfeeding. I have a giveaway running at the moment for a post natal exercise DVD if you want to have a look x


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