Project 365 Week 20 11 May – 17 May


What a very busy, very eventful week I have had! 

Sunday was a lovely sunny day, so we went for a walk to one of our favourite places. I loved being on my bike! 

I was 19 Months old on Monday! Mummy and MeeMee went for breakfast, I love colouring…..and of course I love Baa 🙂

Mummy met Nana first thing, and this was what Seaside Beach looked like! Beautiful! 

And another photo of how gorgeous the beach looks, so quiet and empty. 

I stayed with my Nana and Grandad on Tuesday, and with Daddy and Luke Tuesday night, because Mummy and Lea went to Birmingham to see Katy Perry! Don’t they look pretty!

My favourite song is Roar! 
They travelled back on Wednesday, I stayed with Granny Jane, and Nana and Grandad picked me up when they picked Luke up from school. Mummy didn’t take a photo today.
Thursday was a very, very hot and sunny day. MeeMee took me onto the beach when mummy went to pick up Lea and Luke from school. Today was a very important day for me too, because I tried a baby yoghurt with milk in it for the very first time.
Friday was another beautiful hot sunny day. Mummy and I met Granny Jane at our favourite beach side restaurant for coffee. We also went back there later and met Daddy for lunch! My tummy seems ok after the milky yoghurt, yay! I had a little more today.The biggest news of the week though is…..I took my first unaided steps this evening!! Wooohooo! Here I go! 
Following last nights steps, Mummy and Daddy (and Luke) took me to our shoe shop to see if there were any shoes that I could wear now. Guess what? They did! How exciting! 
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. They don’t stay babies for long! Well done little man

  2. Awe, how cute do you look in that last photo! New shoes! 😉 Great week x #365

  3. awww what a total cutie! i am loving his new shoes they make him look so grown up! xx


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