Mummy says… It has been a while since I have written a post about what we’ve been up to, but we have had such a bitter sweet half term I wanted to share it with you …

March 3, 2019
by Ickle Pickle
March 3, 2019
by Ickle Pickle
Mummy says… It has been a while since I have written a post about what we’ve been up to, but we have had such a bitter sweet half term I wanted to share it with you …
November 22, 2017
by Ickle Pickle
Having travelled quite a bit in the UK and Europe, we have recently been researching places further afield that we might like to travel to instead. Having decided on Sri Lanka as somewhere to consider, we have been gathering as much information as possible, both through the … Continue reading
July 27, 2017
by Ickle Pickle
Mummy says… I have flown long haul to Florida, before Pickle was born, and had a weeks cruise around the Bahamas when I only had MiMi, but haven’t ventured that far for years. If I could, I would absolutely love … Continue reading
June 23, 2017
by Ickle Pickle
Pickle says…. On a recent visit to Disneyland Paris we were invited to stay at The Holiday Inn Paris – Marne la Vallée. We spent two nights at the hotel, what did we think of it?
January 17, 2017
by Ickle Pickle
Back in May we very excitedly set off for our first family holiday to France. We were staying at a Eurocamp Camp site – La Croix du Vieux Pont Campsite, Berny-Rivière, Paris.
December 6, 2016
by Ickle Pickle
Any parent knows just how precious family time is, especially as us children grow up so fast. So, when it comes to family holidays, it’s important to make sure that they’re as enjoyable for everyone as possible. If you’re a family who has … Continue reading
September 6, 2016
by Ickle Pickle
So, we have said goodbye to this years summer, and many of you will already looking for the perfect family holiday for 2017. Well, look no further as we have the solution for you!
August 10, 2016 by Ickle Pickle | 8 Comments
We had a bit of a camping holiday a couple of weeks ago, and one of the sites that we stayed at was the Camping and Caravanning Club Site Salisbury. We had our brand new tent which we put up for the first time. How did we get on?
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July 3, 2016
by Ickle Pickle
We have been on lots of holidays, here in the UK and abroad, but we have never stayed in a villa. It is something that we are looking to do as soon as we can, and we have been looking … Continue reading
June 9, 2016
by Ickle Pickle
Mummy has looked at Eurocamp holidays every year for many years now. She was so excited, and so happy when Eurocamp invited us to stay at one of their sites in France.