My Toosh Bamboo Toothbrushes

Win 6 Month Family Subscription to My Toosh Bamboo Toothbrushes worth £30


It is World Oceans Day today, 8 June 2019 and to celebrate we have a pretty awesome competition for you, with an inspirational brand new company which launches today – My Toosh Bamboo Toothbrushes:

My Toosh Bamboo Toothbrushes

You can WIN a 6 month family subscription of My Toosh Bamboo toothbrushes worth over £30!

Natasha from My Toosh explains:

“Our story begins with my little boys school project about “changes”. He chose to explore the epidemic we are fighting against “plastic pollution in our oceans”….. to say I was proud of his choice, is an understatement. We sat together and watched countless videos, read facts and saw horrifying images of the damage that we as human’s are responsible for causing. Dylan turned to me and said “Mummy, what can we do to change this”. This was all I needed to hear. A couple of days later we were doing a beach clean and came across a plastic toothbrush, I had never even considered that our toothbrushes could make their way into the ocean, so my search for a sustainable and planet friendly alternative began. I discovered bamboo toothbrushes are an eco-friendly alternative to plastic and this was the start of My Toosh. We all have the power to create change. Please join us and be part of the solution, not part of the pollution.”

My Toosh Bamboo Toothbrushes

My Toosh bamboo toothbrushes and the packaging are 100% recyclable and compostable AND bamboo is super eco friendly as Bamboo absorbs more carbon dioxide from the air than trees and  releases more oxygen. Very little water and no chemicals are needed for it to grow PLUS it is naturally regenerative.

It is a no brainer really isn’t it?

You can purchase a My Toosh bamboo toothbrush individually, or sign up to a subscription service.

Terms & Conditions

*One prize of a 6 month subscription for a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 children). Toothbrushes will be delivered at 3 month intervals. A total of 8 brushes will be sent, in colours and sizes of the winners choice.

*Open to UK residents aged 16 and over, excluding employees and relatives of My Toosh.
*Please see Rafflecopter for full T&c’s
Colours available are black, white, blue, pink and yellow and are available in adults and children’s sizes.
To enter please answer the question ‘What is your top tip to reduce the use of plastic in your home?’
Additional free entries are available through the Rafflecopter widget below.
Good Luck! The competition closes at midnight on 7 July 2019. Good Luck!


  1. I have started to buy laundry/cleaning liquids in pouches to refill old containers. We also have a Soda Stream so I don’t buy bottles of pop anymore. We no longer use straws, cling film or plastic cutelry.

  2. We reuse containers for storing leftovers or shopping in bulk.

  3. Swap disposable for reusable wherever possible. Buy items like body wash, hand soap and shampoo in solid form rather than bottled in plastic.

  4. Buy unwrapped fruit and vegetables, they really dont need to be wrapped and wrapped bananas especially annoy me.

  5. Re-use bottles and bags as many times as possible.

  6. My top tip is to reuse bottles by washing them out.

  7. I always carry cloth bags with for me shopping and have them handy when we are out and about to stop the purchase of unnecessary plastic bags.

  8. I always buy my fruit and veg from the market in paper bags and definitely no cucumbers wrapped in a condom.

  9. I always buy my fruit and veg from the market in paper bags.

  10. Buy re-usable cups and flasks.

  11. we try to reuse what we can or not buy plastic for certain things that are not needed

  12. Don’t buy cleaning products in those ready-filled spray bottles that have tops that don’t come off. instead, buy some reusable spray bottles and a large bottle of a concentrated cleaning product, diluting it into the spray bottles as you need it. The bottles will last for hundreds of refills and you’ll throw away a fraction of the plastic cleaning product bottles that you used to.
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  13. Start using a reusable coffee cup and water bottle wherever you can. Make sure your Kids are re aware you are doing it, and the reason why.

  14. i reuse all the bottles, take away tubs, even marg tubs!

  15. Stop buying things from pound shops and get a brand that will last for years.

  16. My top tip would be to simply buy less of the stuff.

  17. I’ve started buying my fruit and veg loose and using paper bags instead.

  18. Buy products without plastics and recycling often as possible.

  19. We’re on reusable Drinks bottles, cups and bags and straws, with low/no packaging toiletries

  20. Recycle. Shop and make use of paper bags, wooden cutlery (bamboo), rather than plastic when picnic,or eat outdoors.

  21. Buy loose, recycle more and avoid snack packets.

  22. we now use soap/shampoo bars, unsponges, refill other cleaning products from a local shop and buy loose food from our greengrocer

  23. Always buy fruit loosely never prepacked

  24. My top tip is to be more conscious of the things you buy wrapped in plastic. For example, in supermarkets they often have the option of buying loose veggies and fruits, saving you and the environment from the unnecessary plastic packaging (which isn’t always recyclable!).

  25. We all use reusable drinks bottles for work & school.

  26. Avoid buying products that come in plastic packaging

  27. Ditch the straws, you just don’t need them!

  28. Avoid buying things which come wrapped in plastic. I try my best but sometimes the supermarket doesn’t make it easy. x
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  29. Re-use water bottles. Avoid buying things wrapped in plastic.

  30. i try to buy as less plastic packaging as i can and i like to re use a lot x

  31. Reuse what you can and always recycle x

  32. Try to make small, sustainable changes frequently. Swap out bottles of shampoo for shampoo bars, use wax wraps instead of cling film and sandwich bags and try to plan your shopping to reduce the single use plastics that you buy.

  33. We all have reusable water bottles

  34. We always use a reusable water bottle and filter our own water for it

  35. My family and I try to reuse everything especially plastic bottles, I always use click and collect at Tesco and always opt in to pack without shopping bags!
    I am shocked that Tesco still give online customers plastic bags!

  36. I’ve got a kit in the boot of my car. It contains cutlery, tupperware boxes, reusable coffee cup, a cloth napkin and an empty water bottle, to help me avoid plastic cutlery and unrecyclable cups. I stopped using cling film and I make my own beeswax wraps. I’m trying to use less packaging by changing my shopping habits to include the local greengrocer and butcher, and buying less at the supermarket where it’s incredibly hard to avoid plastic wrapping.

  37. Try and be as Eco friendly as possible. A major switch for us has been using metal straws, but we also now use shampoo bars and cotton shopping bags

  38. Use reusable coffee cups and water bottles. Use wax fabric rather than clingfilm to cover food

  39. we use refillable bottles for water

  40. I’ve started using jam jars for storage and reusing them x

  41. I always use reuseable bags – and these last for years!

  42. we reduce packaging by buying from farms

  43. Reusable drinks cups, always carry my own water bottle. Use tuperwear instead of Polly bags or cling film.

  44. use reusable bottles and bags

  45. I have replaced plastic bottles of hand wash with large glass bottles that last longer and can be recycled afterwards.
    My next plan is to try bars of shampoo instead of plastic bottles of shampoo.

  46. We all have a re-usable water bottle and we try to buy loose fruit and veg.

  47. we have refillable water bottles for drinks so we dont buy single use ones anymore we buy loose fruit and veg

  48. Always buy loose fruit and veg

  49. Re-use plastic bags and request that shopping is delivered without bags

  50. I always recycle as much as possible and compost organic waste

  51. Don’t use baby wipes we have reusable cheeky wipes, soap instead of hand soap, period pants instead of plastic feminine hygiene products

  52. I have stopped buying bottled water.

  53. I’ve started using a zero waste shop and getting lots of dried food products from there and taking along reusable containers

  54. Don’t buy single use plastic bottles. I use reusable plastic bottles for when I’m not at home and glass bottles at home.

  55. I try to use product packed in glass instead of plastic.

  56. Great prize and ECO to

  57. Try and buy from a green grocer- and you get just veg and no bags

  58. Use reusable bottles and food containers instead of single use plastics.

  59. We all have reusable water bottles to reduce having to buy plastic bottle

  60. Plan ahead – if I use the grocers, the weigh shop, the bakers, the butchers everything can come in paper or I can take my own containers. If I pack my own lunch and take reusable bottles or cups I don’t need to create waste. If I don’t and have to rush, anything labeled ‘convenient’ is SO bad for packaging and my purse!

  61. I am trying not to buy any pre-packages fruit and vegetables in the supermarket as they tend to use unnecessary plastic x

  62. I am now buying loose fruit and veg, I have also started using empty jar for storing different stuff

  63. We brought a massive bottle to put our water in and cannisters for school and work so cutting out Small water bottles. We buy fresh unpacked veg from the markets

  64. We do a lot of recycling but also try and buy plastic alternative items wherever we can.

  65. I use a milkman, also we buy our fruit and veg loose from the greengrocer and have refillable water bottles

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