Pickle says… It’s over – it is back to school time. We have had and awesome six weeks and want to share with you our highlights of our Summer of 2018….
We started with a visit to our favourite place Folly Farm on the first Sunday of the holidays. They had pirate themed activities and we saw the pirate show too. On the Tuesday we had a brilliant day out at Ffos Las – our local race course.
The weather broke at the end of the first week of the holidays, but Mummy managed to take us camping to Cardigan Bay for two nights. We had a great time, Nana and Grandad joined us for the day on the Thursday and it was SO hot. We went into Newquay.
On Friday we went to Aberystwyth which is when it started raining. We did have fish and chips on the seafront and a very quick soggy trip on the Cliff Railway.
It was Grandad’s birthday on the 27 July and big bro Luke was 16 on the 29th. We went round to my cousins house for tea on the Saturday, and all went out for Sunday lunch for a delicious meal.
We had a couple of visits to Manor House Wildlife Park as Mummy and I have season tickets. We met J (Mummy’s partner) there for a pizza tea on 2 August. Mummy has had busy days picking up big sis Lea from her boyfriends and taking her to work. She has a job in Tesco for the summer. On the 1st we met our best friends for lunch in McDonalds then we took them to Stackpole for a lovely walk. Mummy went to Cardiff on 3 August to work with the Post Office and Google. I stayed with Lea and her boyfriend S.
On 4th it was a lovely warm summer’s evening and we all went for a meal with Nana and Grandad to a riverside pub, The Jolly Sailor. They have a play area and I loved it.
Mummy also had a weekend away in Bristol with J, they met up with my biggest sis MiMi and John’s daughter S. They stayed in a pub and had stunning weather.
On the 8th we went to Amroth with Nana and had another lovely walk up to Colby Woodlands Garden. I played in the pirate area at Smugglers whilst Mummy and Nana had a coffee.
Mummy went to Frome in Somerset with J on 10 August and had a fantastic night out in Bath with Mimi and her new boyfriend.
Tuesday 14 – Mummy took me to the ‘Big Bounce’ a huge bouncy castle event at our local leisure centre. We went with our best friends and it was loads of fun.
Wednesday – Another visit to the Bubble show at Manor House Leisure Park.
I was invited to Folly Farm on 16 August to be in their photo shoot for their new brochure – Mummy and I had a wonderful day, it was lots of fun.
I have had time at home when the weather has been not so good playing my Lego which is my current obsession. I love the Minecraft range and have just discovered the new Harry Potter ones. J bought me three figures on the 19 August – my first ones – I had two Dobies and Hermione! I watched the very first Harry Potter film with Mummy and loved it! Mummy has planned a very special treat for my 6th birthday in October, but she won’t tell me what it is. (I have everything crossed that it is my first visit to Legoland).
On 21 August we went to Stackpole to find a Harry Potter wand with Lea.
We went school uniform shopping on the 22nd and met Daddy in Carmarthen. He bought me new trainers, polo shirts, and a coat as well as other bits and bobs. I had a delicious chocolate baby shake in Coffee #1 cafe.
We do think the best of the summer weather has gone now, but we still have lots planned for the next two weeks.
26 August – Oh my goodness the rain this morning was horrendous, torrential. Yesterday was warm and sunny and we had a lovely walk over to Stackpole Quay with J. On the way back a herd of cows joined us! It was scary and fun at the same time.
Luke had his GCSE results on Thursday and did really well. We went out for lunch with Nana and Grandad to celebrate – and dinner on Friday with J. Mummy and I also had lunch on Friday with Granny Jane – I haven’t seen her for months, it was lovely.
The last week of the holidays started with Bank Holiday Monday and we had a great day at Manor House Wildlife Park where we met Rex the T-Rex, and some baby dinosaurs. It was very exciting!
On Tuesday we went shopping for big sister Lea’s Uni stuff. She bought me some fantastic Lego sets.
I spent some time at Mummy’s new partners house making a Harry Potter broomstick, playing with trains and picking apples. It was loads of fun. We spent time with Lea before she went on holiday to Tenerife on the Thursday.
On Friday 30 we went blackberry picking and for a walk with some friends.
On Saturday Daddy took me and Luke to the cinema to see the new Ant Man film. I really enjoyed it.
And that is it! Our Summer of 2018 highlights – how was your Summer?

September 10, 2018 at 4:17 pm
Looks like you had an amazing summer. You took some great photos
September 10, 2018 at 4:41 pm
Sounds like a beautiful summer well spent, you guys got up to a lot over the summer
September 10, 2018 at 5:37 pm
I use to live right at the bottom of that cliff railway! The building hadn’t been renovated at the time and the windows would all blow out whenever there was a gust of wind. I also rode that cliff railway several times – nearly always got soggy doing so!
C x
September 10, 2018 at 10:00 pm
Aww what a lovely variety of activities! It sounds like a Summer well spent! x
September 11, 2018 at 8:36 am
Sounds like you managed to squeeze quite a bit into your summer holiday and it’s good that you got to go to Pickles favourite Folly Farm x
September 11, 2018 at 9:29 am
Manor House sure looks like fun and you’ve had some wonderful adventures over the summer holidays. I hope you get a good surprise for your 6th birthday x
September 11, 2018 at 10:10 am
Wow you’ve had an amazing Summer, plenty to tell your friends about at school!
September 16, 2018 at 8:34 am
It looks like you guys had such a fun summer – and that’s what they’re all about, right!