Top Tips for Travelling with Tots and Teens


Mummy says…..’We are heading off to Menorca next month, and are SUPER excited to be holidaying abroad again. I first travelled abroad with Pickle when he was 20 months old, and this will be his fourth time abroad! Also coming along are my teen son and daughter.

Top Tips for Travelling with Tots and Teens

Pickle has flown six times, and travelled by car to France earlier this year. I have been travelling with children for 18 years, as I first flew to Orlando as a mum when my eldest daughter was two and she is now twenty! I visited Orlando a further two times with my older three – they were very young then, and we have been to Menorca several times. So when Clickstay asked me to share my tips for travelling with tots and teens, I was only too pleased to!

With all my travels, I have picked up some great tips for travelling with tots and teens:

  1. For teens take their phones and tablets. Think about a device for your tot too, there are some brilliant educational, fun apps and games which will keep them mesmerised, as well as movies and favourite TV show episodes. Make sure they are charged. Download favourite music for the teens and load with appropriate apps for tots. Power banks are a great way to keep charged on the go too.
  2. Take any favourite toys and comforters.
  3. Baby wipes. For everything! Take an empty plastic bag too for collecting rubbish on the journey.
  4. Stickers are brilliant for distraction for taking off and landing.
  5. Colouring supplies. I always have a small plain pad and pack of crayons in my bag. Washable colouring pens are a great idea too.
  6. Buy a few new bits and bobs to pull out whilst navigating through the duty free shop, and as a distraction when needed!
  7. Magazines or books for the teens.
  8. Pack drinks and snacks for the car journey as motorway services are expensive.
  9. Take a small bottle of concentrated squash to add to water – you can take these on the plane too.
  10. Keep your pushchair with you until you board the plane. Most airlines allow a buggy in addition to luggage allowance.
  11. If travelling by car have the essentials within easy reach, such as potty and snacks and pack the pushchair on top of your other luggage in the boot if you will need it en route, or are staying over night. Pack an overnight bag separately to your main suitcases to easily take in with you.
  12. A rucksack to wear at the airport or port is a great place to keep all your documents and essentials handy whilst keeping your hands free.

Top tips for travelling with tots and teens

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What are your top travel tips?


  1. Very helpful tips and travelling advice! We always travel and I always bring snacks, books and sometimes we sing 🙂

  2. There are some great tips here. It’s not easy travelling with children of different ages, I recently discovered!
    Elizabeth recently posted…Lady Amelie’s Steampunk Lunch PurseMy Profile

  3. Great tips here, God I must have been a nightmare traveling with my parents when I was kid. I feel bad now I’m older…
    Anna nuttall recently posted…A Tribute To Sonia RykielMy Profile

  4. There are some amazing tips, I am travelling in november with my twin nephews aged 2 and my older nephew aged 10 and I was just thinking of wearing ear plugs the whole time ha x

  5. Some great tips. Travelling with children certainly isn’t an easy thing.

  6. Great tips – I just recently did a 9 hour flight to America with my 7 week old baby boy – he slept for 7 hours which was amazing! x

  7. I’m always in need of tips for Traveling with Hayden. These are great Hun.
    I’ve not heard of clickstay before, I need to check them out.
    Thanks for sharing Hun
    Charlotte x

  8. Travelling with kids is so hard. I find it so stressful.

  9. I just actually had to travel with some kids and wished I had known these tips. Great post! 🙂

  10. This is a really helpful post. We’ve found it very helpful to have a set of plastic bags and a change of clothes for both the parents and children to hand for those eventualities.
    Elizabeth recently posted…Glasgow Family HolidaysMy Profile

  11. Some fantastic tips, we are going to Norfolk in September, it is a 5 hour drive with our 12 year old son, our daughter who is 5 next month and our baby girl who will be 6 months old when we go, so these tips are very handy, thank you xxx


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