This is a secret, a surprise for me that I will see nearer Christmas. Here’s Mummy to show you this special gift that we have been sent….
Mummy says ‘I have been sent the most gorgeous letter for Pickle from Santa, via My Letter from Santa Claus
On visiting the website, it takes literally minutes to fill out my details and some information relating to Pickle to create his personalised letter. It is a very easy, quick process. Payment is via PayPal, which for me is so simple and quick.
We chose the Premium Letter, which is £5.69, delivery is FREE!
Delivery was within a few days, and arrived in a plain envelope, so no chance of spoiling the surprise!
Inside was this beautiful red envelope, with a Reindeer and North Pole postmark,together with a snowflake wax seal, how cute!
The envelope was hand written to Pickle (NB I have edited stickers onto the photo to conceal Pickles real name)
The quality of the letter is first class, as is the ‘Nice List’ certificate that comes with it. There is mention of the people and events that I submitted when I ordered, which adds to the truly personalised feel of the letter, and will ‘wow’ older children too! There is also a Santa Stop Here poster to colour.
The attention to detail, and the excellent quality make this letter so much nicer than many I have seen (and ordered before for my other children) It is an absolute MUST as a Christmas Keepsake. I love it, and can’t wait to show Pickle!’
Woohoo Points
Excellent value for money
Easy to use website and ordering process
Brilliant quality – lovely keepsake
Waaaah Points
None! I don’t know how they do this at the price, and free delivery too!
Go order one!

November 8, 2014 at 9:19 pm
This looks fab and such a great price. It’s so lovely to have a wonderful festive keepsake. #ChristmasCountdown
November 10, 2014 at 9:04 pm
What a really cute idea. I love it. I am so excited for Christmas this year as Buba is old enough to start understanding more about Santa and his workshop and how it all works. Going to be so fun. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
November 11, 2014 at 12:42 pm
Oh this is super adorable! I love everything from the nice list certificate and the wax like envelope stamp giving it a real authentic feel. Thanks for linking up with #MMWBH x