Top Tips for Good Health for the New Year

Top Tips for Good Health for the New Year


Mummy says…What is good health? We all have different definitions of what we consider to be healthy. You may believe it to be mental or physical, but there are other aspects of health that are often overlooked. I have some top tips for good health on all levels….

Top Tips for Good Health for the New Year

It is up to you to decide what sort of health you want to achieve. You might be perfectly happy with your mental well being or in your physical fitness, but what about other areas of your life? Things such as your career or your personal life, or your family or even health in expressing yourself.

If you feel that there is something you can focus on to build on your existing happiness, then help is at hand. There are many resources available to us….


You might be perfectly content with your physical wellbeing, or you may not. It can be easy when you are young to disregard the warnings about maintaining healthy habits as you do not see the damage that your lifestyle may do until much later in life.

Whilst his is may be too late you might feel your physical health are too far gone to make any significant changes. But that is not the case. It is never too late to work towards improving your physical health.

You may struggle with what you want to do, or you may not understand what you need to do to improve your physical fitness. Talking to a professional trainer will give you a decent idea of the areas you need to focus on. You should be able to customise your workout from there and achieve your goals in a way that suits and benefits you.


Along with physical health, it is vital to keep check on your mental wellbeing. Mental health problems affect more people than you might expect, and have the potential to affect everyone, including you.

If you have ever felt like life is weighing you down due to work or the stress of day-to-day life, then it could be that you are suffering from depression, anxiety, or exhaustion. For some, it just takes a couple of days of taking yourself away from everything to recharge. But for others, it can be more complicated than that.

Mental health issues can arise in many different ways. Recognising the symptoms of any psychological problems and tackling them may save you from any potential problems in the future.


All types of health are linked in some way. Mental health is assisted by physical fitness, and having excellent social health is also beneficial towards maintaining good health in other areas.

Managing to find the time to socialise with friends, family or even strangers can be a challenge. But the effort needs to be put in to achieve it. While we all love to have time to ourselves, too much isolation is not ideal for our happiness.

Humans are naturally social beings, and so it is vital that you do everything you can to interact and communicate with others. This is particularly important if you have just moved to a new area where you don’t know anybody. The feeling of loneliness is a painful emotion and getting out of the house, no matter what you want to do, is essential to maintaining good social health.

If you have hobbies, then finding like-minded people who share these interests will allow you to build a social network that can offer support and you will make some good friends too. 


In our professional lives we want to be as happy as we can. This means different things to different people. You might base your happiness on the size of your pay check, how big your house is, whether or not you can provide for your family, or doing something that stimulates you mentally.

You need to figure out what you want in a job and a career. If you are feeling unfulfilled, then perhaps it is time for a change. There are many different options to explore. You could look at getting new qualifications online studying from home, research changing careers and do something you have always wanted to do.

For some, this adventure into trying something new could be learning a new skill where you can help people, such as undertaking medical training and for you to make a difference. If you are interested in moving into the medical sector, it is easy to apply here and start your journey into a new career.

This change might seem intimidating at first, but you will have the chance to learn new skills and explore a whole new world of options. Some of these options may be things you may not have considered before and this time in your life can bring about excitement along with the change and give you an experience that you would have otherwise missed out on.


There will be some things that you want to focus on that will be individual to just you. If you feel content at work, in life, in your appearance and how you feel, then this gives ample opportunity to work towards other things in life that will improve your life.

Seeing the world is an excellent way of expanding your horizons. You can go (pretty much) anywhere you want, no matter where you are in the world. 

You may want to work on redesigning your house. We all love our homes, but we need to change it up every once in a while. Redecorate, rearrange, refurbish. It is entirely up to you. You could turn that old storage room full of junk into an art studio or reading room. Whatever you want, follow your passion and see how it changes your life.

Our different definitions of what makes excellent health is what makes us all so unique. You can be the change you want to see in your life or the world. Travel, explore, innovate, it doesn’t matter, as long as you are able to find the happiness you have always wanted. There is no better sort of health than that.

How do you think your health is at the moment? What are your top tips for good health?


  1. You have loads of great tips here. I like that it’s a holistic approach and not just mental or physical. You’ve given me lots to ponder!

  2. Good health is what makes us feel better, without indulging on bad habits. I love your tips!
    Petite Style Beauty recently posted…Remember to Drink! Hidrate Smart Water BottleMy Profile

  3. I want to make sure I stay mentally healthy but taking some time away from screens and having some time just for me x
    Rhian Westbury recently posted…Five Things – Week 97My Profile

  4. Some really good tips lovely. I have done a huge clear out which has made the home look so different. Furniture has been added to removed and I am so much happier with all the free space x

  5. These are great tips. I am a little under the weather atm so will take these on board
    Rebecca Smith recently posted…Happy Birthday, OliviaMy Profile

  6. Love this tips, for me I’m planning on being outside more to improve my health and fitness x
    Stephanie Merry recently posted…Finding happiness with the Happiness PlannerMy Profile

  7. Great tips, love the way you incorporated a lot of different ideas that can meet the needs of a wide range of people. Happy new year!

  8. My health isn’t the best at the moment, I need to improve and take on your advice! I want to do a bit more fitness wise x

  9. I found I was at my most healthiest (mental and physical) when I was at the gym 5 times a week. I’m not well at the moment, so hoping to get back in the gym next week!

  10. great post, I think my health in all areas probably needs work.Very difficult to know where to start

  11. A month where thongs can look pretty gloomy-easy to hibernate better to be out and about


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