Pickle says… We love travelling, and have visited so many places both here in the UK and abroad too. Mummy is used to packing for us all now, and has some essentials that she always makes sure we take with us. We have put together a list of first aid essentials for family travel.
Mummy has a special little plastic bag which she uses to keep our first aid supplies in when travelling. She checks it before we travel to make sure everything is still in date, and ok to use. Guaranteed one of us will suffer with something minor but uncomfortable, so Mummy packs a range of pain relief and essentials for us all.
- Thermometer. We have a fab digital one which Mummy pops into my ear, it tells her my exact temperature.
- Infant paracetamol and Ibuprofen sachets. Safer for travel than bottles, Mummy pops a plastic medicine spoon with them. They can also travel safely in our suitcase, or in hand luggage.
- Plasters. Good quality ones of all sizes.
- A small amount of paracetamol capsules and Gaviscon tablets for indigestion for Mummy and the teens. (Kept in their blister packs So Mummy knows what they are!)
- Small packet of antiseptic wipes.
- Insect bite cream / spray.
- Sore throat lozenges.
- When I was a baby, Mummy also packed teething gel and my colic drops too.
Don’t forget to order any medication that you have on prescription in plenty of time, and take enough with you as well as some extra.
If you need Malaria tablets, you need to order and pay for them (they can cost between £70 – £100+), and start taking them before you go on holiday. MiMi needed them for visiting Thailand and Laos, and Mummy also packed Dioralyte sachets and Immodium tablets incase she had a tummy upset. She actually had awful food poisoning but that is a whole other story. She fully recovered though, and is out in Laos again right now!
Have you any first aid essentials for family travel you can add?
July 4, 2017 at 9:03 pm
What a great list, my mum has very thin skin and a gentle knock and rip her skin so we alway have a stash of the patches that are self adhesive and microporous tape with us just in case!
July 6, 2017 at 2:56 pm
I love having that spray plaster in the house, it is great as it makes another skin that actually breathes too.
July 6, 2017 at 5:32 pm
We have a UK break in the summer, I never think to pack 1st aid essentials but will be from now on, I’ve never heard of spray plasters but they sounds really good xx
July 6, 2017 at 8:24 pm
Great advice thanks
Always better to be prepared
July 6, 2017 at 9:55 pm
A crepe bandage and some icepacks in case of sprains are useful.
Nayna Kanabar recently posted…
July 8, 2017 at 10:05 pm
It’s an absolute must that you pack these things, as you never know if you are going to get ill abroad. Stocking up on loperamide is a good tip aswell 🙂
Connor Silver recently posted…Which PC do I get?
July 18, 2017 at 8:38 pm
I always make sure I pack some of those special cushioned plasters for blisters, and carry them in my handbag. That way if someone gets a blister when we’re half way through a day’s sightseeing, we don’t have to abandon the trip because that person can’t walk any further.