As you will know if you are a regular reader, I started pre-school in January. I am still not settling in terribly well, but it is just because I miss Mummy so much, and hate leaving her. I was lucky enough to be sent a new little friend to help, so I am going to share with you starting school with Monkey Wellbeing.
Monkey Wellbeing is a really cute little guy – a monkey puppet, who arrived with a pack to help me settle into school. The pack had a storybook – Monkey Goes to School, an activity guide – Monkey’s Guide to Starting School, a pack of 6 coloured pencils, some stickers and a Starting School certificate.
Mummy Monkey and I read through the book together, and I really enjoyed drawing my teacher in the activity book. It was good to talk to to Mummy about school, and things like numbers and colours.
I could show Mummy how I was feeling about school,with some smiley or sad Monkey faces. There are also some top tips for parents, and a checklist sheet too.
I do think that this pack is brilliant, but more aimed at children starting full time school, as the book talks about having lunch their, which first time part timers don’t do. But I still loved it, and everything in the pack.
Monkey Wellbeing is the idea of Helen Sadler, a Mummy to a little girl who was facing going into hospital. Helen invented the Monkey Wellbeing series for her daughter, there are lots of other ones you can buy including having an injection, visiting the dentist, having a blood test and more.
You can your own Monkey for £9.95 and pick which books and activity guides or packs you want. They start from £2.95.
Visit the Monkey Wellbeing website for full information about the different books and packs available, you can also follow on and .
Have you heard of Monkey Wellbeing before? What do you think of him?

February 22, 2016 at 9:10 am
What a fabulous idea, a whole series of books that explains in simple terms what is going on and makes it colourful and fun.
I hope they have worked for you and that this week will become easier x
February 22, 2016 at 9:32 am
What a lovely idea for little one’s…
I hope you find school easier soon x
Kim Carberry recently posted…Our Weekly Meal Plan!! – #mealplanningmonday
February 22, 2016 at 10:32 am
What a lovely idea for little ones.
It’s great to explain in simple terms what happens when they go school I love the idea of this pack.
Joanna recently posted…Car Seat Buying Guide
February 22, 2016 at 2:00 pm
What a great idea – it’s easy to forget how even things which seem very simple and straightforward to adults can be so huge to little ones (although I wouldn’t count starting school among those!) My daughter will be starting in September, so this is definitely one I’m going to keep in mind.
Cathy (MummyTravels) recently posted…MummyTravels guide to Ljubljana
February 22, 2016 at 8:44 pm
This is such a fab idea for helping youngsters settle in. I’m nervous for my son to start school next year. He goes to nursery at the moment and it took him a while to settle in. He still cried when I drop him off. I hope Pickle settles soon.
The L’s Mum recently posted…Meal Plan – W/C 22nd February 2016
February 22, 2016 at 10:13 pm
I haven’t heard of him before but such a great idea. I’m glad he is helping you settle in x
Jenni recently posted…Henry J Socks Review And Giveaway
February 22, 2016 at 10:33 pm
what a great idea, I am glad it is helping you to settle in! some people are nice other than mummy :p something my one forgets!
Charlotte recently posted…Valentine’s Day 10k 2016 P.B Recap
February 23, 2016 at 8:31 am
These are great books aren’t they? We had a pack for Baby. I hope they have helped Pickle to feel happier this week x
You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…How To Create A Sticky Blog – Part One
February 23, 2016 at 8:52 am
Monkey’s cool. Starting school away from mum (or dad) can be tough. Listen to Monkey. He knows what he’s talking about!
February 23, 2016 at 12:17 pm
I used to read these books to the children and they are a lot of fun. Hope Pickles feels better soon xx
Ana De- Jesus recently posted…I Am A Blogger Because…
February 23, 2016 at 12:40 pm
Aww, how adorable! Pickle looks so cute with that cheeky Monkey 🙂
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