Recently I was quite poorly, and it took three visits to my doctor, the hospital A&E department and an emergency doctor until I was told I had bronchilitis and an ear infection!

Mummy was so worried, I was very unwell, and acting completely differently to what I normally do. I had a raging temperature which was so much worse in the evening and during the night.
Here are some tips to help cool your baby down, and information from the NHS Wales, from a leaflet mummy was given in A&E.
A lot of people think that they need to cool the room, open windows etc. but that’s not the case, and a draft could make your baby feel worse. Strip off to the lightest clothing, maybe just a baby vest, but keep the room comfortably warm (not too warm) and don’t have any drafts.
Give your baby a luke warm bath, not hot and not cold. Or sponge down with a luke warm flannel or sponge, and dry straight away.
Normal temperature for a baby / child is usually between 36 and 36.8°C
You can take their temperature in their mouth or ear, or under their arm, or use a forehead thermometer.
A high temperature can be caused by an infection, such as ear, or flu, or illness such as chicken pox.
Make your baby comfortable and try as much as you can to reduce their temperature.
You must keep an eye out for any other signs of serious illness, or dehydration.
Signs of dehydration include a dry mouth, drowsiness, no tears, sunken eyes.
Signs of a more serious illness include breathing problems, drowsiness, convulsions, pains, headaches that become worse even after giving paracetamol.
Of course, in a baby like me, it is so hard for mummy to know what I am feeling, as I can’t tell her.
If you are worried, do not hesitate to contact your Doctor, or, if it is after hours, contact whoever is on duty or whoever handles the out of hours service. Ringing your usual GP number should give you this info.
Did you know that the NHS Direct no longer exists nationwide in England? It is now NHS 111 – ring 111 if you are unwell and need medical help fast, that isn’t a 999 emergency.
The NHS 111 service is now available across England, apart from Cornwall, the Scilly Isles, Luton and Bedfordshire. In these areas NHS Direct’s number is still available.
Full information is here
In Wales, however, we do still have NHS Direct Wales! It is more info is available here
In Scotland it is details here
I did not realise there were all these different phone numbers for different areas, it is useful to know if you go on holiday.
Mummy gave me the chemist and supermarket brand of paracetamol and ibuprofen as it the same as the big brand named ones, but much cheaper. I am a good boy and took my medicine off a spoon, but you can get a syringe (sometimes with the medicine, or ask the pharmacist) or you can buy a dummy that you fill with the medicine, I had this when I was very small. Boots the Chemist and Mothercare sell them.
Mummy gave me the chemist and supermarket brand of paracetamol and ibuprofen as it the same as the big brand named ones, but much cheaper. I am a good boy and took my medicine off a spoon, but you can get a syringe (sometimes with the medicine, or ask the pharmacist) or you can buy a dummy that you fill with the medicine, I had this when I was very small. Boots the Chemist and Mothercare sell them.

I am feeling much better now, it was really horrible being poorly.
I am linking up with Lets Talk Mommy for her linky 🙂

April 30, 2014 at 8:36 pm
Oh, get well soon. I love 111, it’s a great service, and although you can only really use it for out of hours care for general illness, it’s handy for us given our docs are only open 2 hours a day! #sharewithme
May 1, 2014 at 9:32 am
Oh get soon my lovely little one. How scary to have to keep going round and round until you figured out what was wrong. Glad you are getting sorted now. Love the last photo. So cute. Especially with his legs crossed. Love it. Great tips to know though. I am clueless when it comes to who to call and what to look for. Usually in panic when my two are sick. Not good. Great advice. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me for the first time. Welcome and I hope you like it and getting to know other bloggers here. Hope to see you again soon my lovely. #sharewithme
November 17, 2015 at 1:52 pm
Oh no you look so upset and sad in the photo, I am glad mummy went to get some advice in A&E x
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