This week we have been away on holiday. We went to Manchester, staying at The Coach House Premier Inn at The Trafford Centre. Because we are staying in a hotel, with no kitchen or fridge, mummy has had to try and plan my food, and hope that it doesn’t upset my tummy. She spoke to my dietician before we went, and has introduced bottled water to me rather than tap water, which varies from place to place and has upset me before.

On Sunday we travelled to Manchester, the weather was lovely and sunny. We left at 8.15am and stopped for breakfast, and again for lunch. we had a good journey, and arrived at the Premier Inn, unloaded the car and went straight to the Trafford centre. After we flopped on the gorgeous comfy beds 🙂

The Trafford Centre is so big, so many shops and people. We went to the Disney Store – wow I have never seen so many toys in my life! Mummy bought me a Monsters University play set, I love it, especially Mikey. I am sooooo excited, it’s the first time I can remember being in a hotel, although I stayed here last Easter too. It’s a lovely room, and Nana and Grandad are next door with with my cousin. I ‘walked’ to their room with Lea holding my hands, I soon realised that this was fun, and I crawled there too. I thought it was funny to knock on their door, and couldn’t understand why they stopped me from knocking on other doors too! We went for dinner in the pub next door, which I loved. Mummy had roast dinner and I had turkey for the first time! It was lovely. I went to sleep a bit later than usual, it was all so new and exciting, and I wasn’t sure about the travel cot, so mummy lay me by her, then she popped me in the cot when I was almost asleep. I was asleep by 8.30pm. I slept really well, I think everybody did!
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MeeMee, Me, Great Nana, Lea, Luke & Aunty Lily |
I woke up at 7am, wondering where I was for a moment, then I remembered, we were on holiday! It was so much fun being in the same room.
We all got ready, then I remembered about going next door to see Nana! I sat by the door shouting and pointing ‘door!’ Mummy took me to see them. We all went to breakfast, and I had a poached egg and toast, yum! Mummy ‘walked’ me around holding my hands, she is determined I am going to walk this holiday! We left to go and see my great nana, and for me to meet her sister, Aunty Lily. We had a lovely time with them, there is 92 years between me and my Great Nana! We went to a coffee shop nearby to meet mummy’s uncle too. I had a teacake 🙂 we went back to the hotel and to the shopping centre. Oh my goodness, you’ll never guess what! There is a huge toy store called Hamley’s, apparently it is very famous, and there was a tractor and trailer set in there, with the same animals as my farm, including Baa, Moo, Horsey and Piggy! Baa!!! Another Baa! I could not believe my eyes! I thought MY Baa had jumped on the trailer, until mummy showed me my Baa (and I know it was my Baa, because his nose is scratched) even better, the tractor was in the sale, so mummy brought it for me, for being a good boy! She also bought me a special Hamley’s Teddy, too, because it was on a special offer. I am such a lucky boy! I cuddled him and cuddled him. And, best of all, I now have TWO Baa’s!!
We had KFC for tea, I had a little of the chicken and some chips! I also had a baked potato that mummy cooked at Great Nana’s and a tiny bit of tuna. Mummy was hoping I would have more, but I really didn’t want it, so that’s why I had some chicken. Mummy and I went back to the room and played with my new tractor. It makes sounds, moves on it’s own, has a farmer, and beeps and makes all the animal sounds too! It is so much fun. Luke bought me a present too, a cuddly Mikey wearing a hat, he makes me laugh! I went to asleep at about 8.45pm

I slept well and woke at 6.45am! Very early for holidays! We all had breakfast, I had some egg and toast again. We then went back into the shopping centre. It is so busy, so many people. Mummy is looking out for a pushchair for me, but there aren’t that many baby shops there. We looked around, and I fell asleep, all ths shopping and visiting is so exhausting! We left after I had my lunch to go to mummy’s Uncle A for the rest of the day. We had to go onto the M6, a huge motorway, I have never seen so many cars and lorrys in my life. We couldn’t go fast at all, we just about went slow! Uncle A has a new doggy, Lola, who they gave a home to a few months ago. I was very, very excited, I have never seen a doggy so close before – except Crumble, who lives at the house MeeMee and Oz look after sometimes, and he is so old he hardly moves at all. Well, Lola did move. A lot. And quickly too! And she shouted too! I tried to put my finger up her nose, and in her mouth, I’m not sure why, I just did. She was very gentle with me, and. Mummy never took her eyes off her. Or me. I shared my toys with her, and put them next to her paw,but she didn’t pick them up, I don’t know why, maybe she didn’t want to play. I was very brave, and played on the floor next to her. We had tea there, mummy cooked me some sweet potato and carrots and peas, and I had some fruit and tried a little strawberry for the first time 🙂

Wednesday – I slept really well again last night. My tummy seems fine 🙂 we went to the shopping centre again, then we went with Great Nana to the Coronation Street Tour. I’ve never seen Coronation Street but, mummy says it’s a programme that has been on TV for years and years and everyone loves it. I was a really good boy, and didn’t cry or make a noise, even though it was very long, and I didn’t understand a lot of it really. Nana and Grandad, and especially Great Nana loved it. They took lots of photographs. We went back to the hotel for tea, Great Nana came too. They had a buffet, so mummy got me some lovely chicken. I have been such a good boy eating, mummy has been so happy. Grandad and Nana took great nana home, it was very sad to say goodbye. But I was very happy that we had seen her. We went back into the shops one last time, mummy and I didn’t stay long, but my sisters did!

On Thursday we travelled home. We had breakfast first, and then finished packing and packed the car. It took a long time! We left at 10.45am! There were so many cars on the roads, it was so very busy. We got stuck for about an hour. I think everyone was travelling to West Wales for Easter! We got home finally, after stopping once for lunch. It was so good to be home, and see our cats! Our neighbour had looked after them for us. I went to bed in my cot like a good boy and slept really well. I had salmon, vegetables and sweet potato that mummy had frozen for tea 🙂
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Daddy, me and Mummy 🙂 |
Friday – Daddy didn’t come away with us, and he finished work early today to come and see us. We went out for lunch and a lovely walk in the sunshine. It was so warm and sunny.

On Saturday we went to Amroth, a tiny village right on the seafront. This is the view from the cafe window. We walked up to Colby Woodland Gardens, it was a lovely walk through the woods. The gardens are lovely too. We sat outside in the sun, it was very chilly by the sea, but warm in the shelter. Lea and Luke took part in an Easer Egg Trail, and we joined in too. It was lots of fun. They won a chocolate egg each. I can’t have chocolate 🙁 MeeMee and Oz met us back in Amroth and we all had lunch together. We then drove to Seaside Village and had a little walk, but it was very chilly there too so we went for a drink!
This has been a really lovely week, very busy, and lots of new things. I am so happy that there is another week off school for the others too 🙂

April 20, 2014 at 11:39 am
What a lovely post! Looks like you had a great and I’m jealous of your trip to Hamleys and the Coronation Street set! #Project365
April 20, 2014 at 8:01 pm
Thank you! Yes Hamleys was amazing! So many toys! Coronation Street was fab for my great nana!
April 20, 2014 at 12:18 pm
i am so jealous i would love to visit the cobbles 🙂
April 20, 2014 at 8:01 pm
It is only open until the Autumn, then they are demolishing it! It has moved to MediaCity where they film it now x
April 20, 2014 at 3:13 pm
Oh no The Trafford Centre! I’d rather go to hell 😉 Looks like you had a lovely week.
~Tiaras & Prozac
April 20, 2014 at 8:02 pm
hahaha! Well I live in deepest rural West Wales, so the shops are fun once a year! And my sisters LOVED it! x
April 20, 2014 at 3:26 pm
I love that photo on the bed.
April 20, 2014 at 8:03 pm
Aawww thank you! It is me and my biggest sister. We have lots of fun 🙂 x