Oh my goodness, we can’t believe it – MeeMee, my biggest sister is 20 tomorrow (16 July). No longer a teenager, a young lady! Leaving her teens behind her – doesn’t 20 sound so much older than 19? Mummy has written a letter to our 20 year old.
MeeMee is spending her birthday in London with her lovely boyfriend, L. She was home last weekend, and we all went out for a lovely family meal together. She should be home again soon hopefully. MeeMee has just moved into her new house which she is sharing with four others, before she was sharing with another nine students! She starts her third and final year of Uni in September and is on course to come out with at least a 2:1 in Journalism and English. Clever MeeMee, we are so proud of her!

July 2004 and July 2006

July 2007

16 July 2008 MeeMee’s 12th Birthday

July 2012 – I was pregnant with Pickle

12 October 2012 – The day Pickle was born

July 16 2013 MeeMee’s 17th birthday

July 2015
Here is Mummy’s special letter to MeeMee:
Dear MeeMee
I don’t quite know where the last twenty years have gone, this time twenty years ago I was eagerly awaiting your arrival, you were two weeks late, and I had been in hospital all day being induced. You were just not ready to be born! I ended up having a rushed, emergency C-Section, and had to be put to sleep for it. You finally arrived at 7.46am on the 16 July 1996. I was 25.
You were the most loved little baby ever. Me and your daddy adored you, as did your grandparents – and your complete ‘set’ of eight great-grand-parents, quite something huh?
I have watched you grow into the beautiful young woman you are today. Beautiful inside and out. I am SO proud of you and all you have achieved. You are a most loved daughter, sister, grandaughter, niece, and cousin. We miss you so much when you are away, but thank goodness it is only Bristol. You are such a clever girl, and I watch with anticipation as your life unfolds, wondering where it will take you.
It seems like yesterday that you loved the Teletubbies, started school, went to France then New York with school, got gazillions of GCSE’s, left school, went to college, got your A Levels, started Uni. It literally feels as though it has gone by that quickly.
Your primary school prom, your leaving secondary school prom, all the memories and amazing experiences you have had, your travels, your adventures, I have wished for all to be the happiest, most wonderful times of your life.
All our family holidays, your continuing love for Belle from Beauty and the Beast, your tears, years ago when reading New Moon in the Twilight Series. Your laughter with your sister – then brother, and your face and joy when I told you I was pregnant with Pickle. Our closeness, we have shared so many tears – of joy, sadness, anger, and more.
It isn’t possible, but I do love you more every day. I am always here for you – my daughter, my friend, my first born.
I am so excited to see what life will bring you in the next year, and I am the proudest Mumma in the world.
Keep safe my love, keep well, keep happy.
Mum x x x

July 15, 2016 at 9:50 pm
Aww! This is lovely! I hope MeeMee has a wonderful birthday x
Kim Carberry recently posted…We have had a bit of a busy week. #WotW
July 15, 2016 at 10:17 pm
What a lovely post – hope she has had a great birthday x
July 15, 2016 at 10:24 pm
This is so sweet! Happy birthday for tomorrow lovely 🙂
Harriet from Toby & Roo recently posted…8 Must have garden games for summer
July 16, 2016 at 7:55 am
Such a sweet sister! Will her 20th year be as awesome as possible! 🙂
Jessica recently posted…Best Man’s Speech during our Wedding – Kach and Jonathan Howe
July 16, 2016 at 8:40 am
Such a lovely letter, Happy Birthday MeeMee
Kara Guppy recently posted…#Vloject52 2016 – Week Twenty Nine
July 16, 2016 at 9:45 am
Aw this is lovely, and what a beautiful young lady your daughter is! Happy birthday to her.
Jess recently posted…Festival Beauty with Natural Collection*
July 16, 2016 at 4:13 pm
What gorgeous photos, hope she has a lovely birthday xxx
July 16, 2016 at 4:46 pm
What a lovely a beautiful letter, she is such a mini you Kaz you guys are two peas in a pod. Happy birthday meemee.
July 16, 2016 at 5:34 pm
MeeMee sounds like a wonderful and talented sister! You’re lucky to have her Pickle! xx
July 16, 2016 at 8:11 pm
What a touching letter – Wishing your daughter a very happy 20th birthday x
July 17, 2016 at 9:36 am
She is just beautiful. Happy 20th, she’s only 4 years younger than me which makes me feel really young reading this. What a lovely letter.
July 18, 2016 at 2:44 pm
Awww I hope Mee Mee had an amazing birthday and I hope she gets to read this x
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