Well, I don’t know about where you live but we have had the most horrendous weather in the last few days. A big storm hit the country and whilst we didn’t lose power we have had gale force biting winds. The temperature has plummeted, and the heating turned up. But like any family, we are aware of the cost of keeping warm this winter.
Mummy is always looking out for ways to keep warm that won’t cost too much money! We do have double glazed windows and doors, and a central heating system which are obviously main things to consider having to keep you toasty, but they are very expensive to install and not everyone has them. You may find if you are in rented accommodation that it is even trickier for you. My biggest sister MeeMee is sharing a house with other Uni students, and this is a struggle of hers as her room has a big bay window that isn’t double glazed.
One brilliant solution is to buy some electric radiators for rooms that haven’t central heating, they are so easy to fit, you can take them with you, or move to another room if you need to, and they can save up to 50% on your heating bill! One of these would be perfect for MeeMee!
Other options for keeping warm this winter are to get an electric blanket. Some have timers so that you can have your bed all warm and snuggly before you get in!
When Mummy was a little girl, my Nana used to give her a hot water bottle to take to bed to keep her warm. My sisters have had some funky ones over the years too. They are quick and easy to use for instant heat.
Also thinking about when you go to bed, onesies are a great choice as there are no gaps around your tummy for the cold to get in! I love sleeping in my onesies and have quite a few. Even big bro and sisters have them. Add some fluffy bed socks and you are all set! We like wearing ours around the house in the evening too – and especially on movie days at home.
Mummy suggests wearing a few thinner layers of clothes as they trap warm body heat between them to help keep her warm. She also has a big wool snuggly cardigan that she wears in the house. Slippers are a must, because if your feet are cold you just can’t get yourself warm.
We hope you are all keeping warm this winter, do you have any tips to add?
This is a collaborative post.

February 9, 2016 at 8:08 pm
For once up here in the North East the weather hasn’t been too bad the last few days….We missed out on the latest storm. They seems to be a new one every week lately!
I love my fleecy pj’s and my onesies….hehehe
Stay warm!
Kim Carberry recently posted…Shopping for hearts…
February 9, 2016 at 8:45 pm
Hot water bottles are brilliant! Also dressing gowns … we pop ours on in the daytime to keep warm if it’s really cold 🙂
February 10, 2016 at 9:51 am
I’m a big believer of sticking the heating on instead of putting on an extra layer. I like to be warm and toasty all over!
DannyUK.com recently posted…Bearded Backchat with StressedMum.co.uk’s Sam
February 10, 2016 at 10:07 am
My office at home always seems to be freezing so I have a big scarfy shawly thing to wrap around myself. Like a wearable blanket! Hot water bottles are great too.
Cathy ( MummyTravels ) recently posted…What makes a family-friendly hotel?
February 10, 2016 at 10:11 am
Born and raised in Florida here so you can imagine it has taken me some time ot get used to the weather haha. Fluffy socks and slippers have helped me immensely.
February 10, 2016 at 10:23 am
The weather has been horrid hasn’t it? Really cold up here in the Lake District this winter so these are good tips – I’d forgotten about hot water bottles, off to order some now!
Zoe recently posted…Coffee Shop Writer
February 10, 2016 at 11:45 am
Yes the weather here has also been awful. I have gotten so cold sitting at my desk that I am losing the will to get my work done. No matter how many layers I wear my hands are still cold. Drawing and typing are so hard to do with cold hands and I have stopped drinking tea which in hindsight was a bit silly.
February 10, 2016 at 1:17 pm
I have piles of blankets on the back of our sofas and encourage everyone to use them before we resort to turning the heating up! Because I am home alone in the day I can often be found bundled up under many layers rather than put the heating back on again!
Sonya Cisco recently posted…Weymouth Beach After School
February 10, 2016 at 2:02 pm
Great tips! I love my hot water bottle, so nice to put it in the bed before you get in. I’m afraid of electric blankets catching fire so I don’t use them!
BloggerMummyLauren recently posted…My Second Blog Birthday
February 10, 2016 at 2:11 pm
It has been freezing where we live up in the North east too, but then it always is. I have never used an electric blanket before and even though we own hot water bottles I have yet to use them either, I probably should as I always have the heating on which costs a lot of money xx
Lindsay @ Newcastle Family Life recently posted…The Class Book Review & Giveaway
February 10, 2016 at 2:51 pm
we love a good comfy dressing gown and sleepers to keep warm at winter! and nothing beats a warm kitty on your lap too :p
Charlotte recently posted…Falling Off The Food Wagon
February 10, 2016 at 3:26 pm
I love having a hot water bottle on an evening, and a quilt for the sofa so I can snuggle up and watch TV! I hate being cold!
Jenni – Odd Socks and Lollipops recently posted…Weaning was… awesome!
February 10, 2016 at 3:38 pm
I have a onesie and that is my way of keeping warm and a fleece blanket x
Rachel recently posted…Valentines Day with Blossoming Gifts
February 10, 2016 at 3:58 pm
I’m on warfarin and on a diet so have been feeling the cold this week, even at work where I don’t usually. Our house has an aga and wood burner, but in the evenings I do still get cold in my chair when the fire’s heat doesn’t really reach. I sit under a blanket which helps a bit. Other than the evenings (and at work) I don’t feel it that much.
February 10, 2016 at 4:12 pm
That wind is bitter cold and its fluffy socks all round here and gloves as our hands are stinging in the cold oh I used to love my electric blanket
Emma White recently posted…For Mummy Baby – Blogger In The Spotlight
February 10, 2016 at 5:51 pm
I use my hot water bottle a lot since my bedroom is so cold even with double glazing. I am always scared to buy electric blankets thinking I will electrocute myself.
February 10, 2016 at 6:47 pm
I have an extra fluffy blanket and I wear a onesie or several layers to bed sometimes to keep toasty and warm!
Ana De Jesus recently posted…Valentines Day With Hazel & Kent
February 10, 2016 at 7:08 pm
I’m big on wearing extra layers. I always wear socks in bed!
Ness recently posted…How to keep your house clean and tidy this winter
February 10, 2016 at 8:29 pm
I was not a fan of onesies. I had an Elvis one which was too tight and was uncomfortable in the nether regions. Christmas before last, however, I was given a fleece one by my sister in law. Changed my life. Incredible.
As I type this, I’m awaiting a heat blanket to warm me up. Frozen. Socks in bed? Never! Stinkin’!
Grant R recently posted…Talking Whisky
February 10, 2016 at 9:44 pm
I would love a heated blanket but Hubby is not keen so I stick to hot water bottles! Hot drinks always help when we get in from a cold activity even just squash made with warm water always go down well x
Mudpie Fridays recently posted…Blogger Club UK #4
February 11, 2016 at 5:03 am
Oh I used to always have a hot water bottle for bed during winter when I was younger. I don’t even think we own one now. I’m always in slippers and I agree they are a must for winter (I wear them in summer too lol). X
Kerry norris recently posted…Summer Infant Swaddle Me Review
February 11, 2016 at 8:31 am
Great tips, its freezing this morning. I pop a hot water bottle in bed to warm it up before the kids get in
Kara recently posted…Win a Storksak Organics Set and Kay Changing Bag
February 11, 2016 at 8:00 pm
Onsies are just awesome aren’t they. I haven’t got one myself but I’m really tempted! Can’t beat a hot water bottle either