Before Christmas we were sent the Britax B-Motion 4 Pushchair to review, and Mummy was keen to see what it was like as she loves pushchairs!
As a Britax Mumbassador we have already enjoyed the fantastic Smile pushchair as well as the Evolva car seat and couldn’t wait to get our hands on this pushchair.
We chose the flame red and black colour way – Mummy loves red, my first pram was red too. It is also available in black, and ocean blue and black.
The Britax B-Motion 4 has air rear tyres and smaller swivel front ones. It is a dream to push – Mummy says it turns and pushes with one hand. Because of the air tyres it is super comfy for me, with no trouble going over uneven ground.
The seat is really comfy too – nice and wide and there is lots of room. I was 3 in October and am quite tall, but I fit in this pushchair absolutely fine, I don’t feel squashed at all. The hood is nice and big and covers me well, and it comes with a one piece throw over raincover which covers the complete raincover fully, being so easy and quick to pop on. It fits in the basket underneath which Mummy loves, a framed rain cover is a pain to take out if you don’t need it, but it looks like rain.
The Britax Motion-B 4 folds really easily, with a press and slide of one button, Mummy pulls up the strap on the seat and there you are! All folded. There is a clip on the side which holds it together when folded too, and it stands on its own when folded.
The basket underneath isn’t the biggest we have had (nothing compares to the Smile one!) but it fits the raincover, my potty and a bag of my toys in. The handle is a padded covered bar which you can adjust to the perfect height for you.
As I have said, the pushchair is a great size for me at my age, and it is also suitable for newborn babies as the seat lies completely flat, and you can add a car seat to make it into a travel system with Click and Go receivers which are included and fit any Britax infant seat. There is the option to add a carrycot too.
We love our Britax B-Motion pushchair, it looks good, feels good to push, folds easily and quickly and has a fab easy to use raincover – all the things we think are important when buying a pushchair.
Add a quality 5-point easy to fasten harness, and removable bumper bar, and we think it is virtually a perfect choice.
Price -RRP £250
Suitable from – Birth – 4 years.
Travel System Option – yes with included Click and Go receivers.
How does it fold – flat folding and free standing.
Rain cover – yes, a soft throw over type.
Basket – yes, not huge but adequate.
Handle – single padded bar which is adjustable.
Wheels – front are swivel with air tyres, rear have air tyres.
Full information can be found on the Britax website.

February 19, 2016 at 9:48 am
This looks like a great pushchair. I have been on the lookout for a pushchair for my 18 month old son as we rarely use are double anymore now his sister is two and a half and likes to walk everywhere. I will have to check out Britax as I keep forgetting they make pushchairs even though we have Britax carseats and love them xx
Lindsay @ Newcastle Family Life recently posted…Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring North East Family Fun
February 19, 2016 at 1:31 pm
This looks like a fab pushchair. I love the red and we are huge fans of britax car seats so this looks just as good.
February 20, 2016 at 7:49 am
I’ve not heard of this one before but it has such a nice look about it and I love anything that folds flat and is free standing. I have a buggy where you have to take the wheels off to put it in the boot which can get a bit annoying!
Notmyyearoff recently posted…The perfect family holiday (with some imperfect moments!)
February 20, 2016 at 9:08 am
This looks like a great pushchair, I do miss being able to hang my bags on one!
Kizzy recently posted…Perspective
February 20, 2016 at 10:20 am
It looks fab – I love Britax pushchairs – I have a B-Agile which is similar and had a B-Dual double :0)
Kara recently posted…#Vloject52 2016 – Week Eight
February 20, 2016 at 11:15 am
I have never heard of the brand before but I do like the design and the red is a classic colour for a pushchair!
Ana De- Jesus recently posted…Friday Lookbook: Time Warp
February 20, 2016 at 12:06 pm
That looks really cosy and safe. If only they made them adult sized! 🙂
Grant R recently posted…HelloFresh Review and Giveaway
February 20, 2016 at 1:42 pm
Oh how I miss the pushchair days! This pushchairs looks and sounds great! Perfect for any age really. I like that it turns into a travel system and can add a carry cot, too! It also sounds nice and simple to fold and unfold. 🙂
Sarah recently posted…Swans and geese in February.
February 20, 2016 at 2:32 pm
oh its been a while sinceI bought a pushchair but I love the colour and style of this one very classy
February 20, 2016 at 3:26 pm
This looks like one seriously awesome push chair. Perfect for adventures!
Elizabeth recently posted…Creamy Chicken & Cherry Tomato Pasta Bake
February 20, 2016 at 7:13 pm
What a great looking pushchair and Pickle looks so comfortable in it as well. x
February 20, 2016 at 7:13 pm
Its good to see something with a rain cover, instead of it being a separate item that is a nightmare to get hold of!
Rachel recently posted…Triodos Bank and Save the Cow with a Burts Bee’s Giveaway
February 20, 2016 at 9:27 pm
looks like a fantastic urban pushchair for toddlers, I love how its a little higher up than a stroller which I always worry about when pushing my son round a city
ali recently posted…How Do I Resist These Big Brown Eyes? Living Arrows #9
February 21, 2016 at 8:20 am
What a lovely pushchair and it looks really comfy.
February 21, 2016 at 11:24 am
This looks like a great pushchair I prefer it to the 3 wheel ones everyone seems to have this looks a lot more stable x
Miss Kitty Kaos recently posted…Upcycled Welsh Dresser
February 21, 2016 at 7:19 pm
There’s certainly plenty of room in it considering Ickle Pickle is now almost 3 and a half! It sounds like a really lovely pushchair.
Colette B recently posted…Our first half term with Stagecoach Early Stages – Review
February 21, 2016 at 11:11 pm
This looks great. Love the colour and features
Fashion and Style Police recently posted…5 Blogging Tips for Working with PRs
February 22, 2016 at 2:26 am
Looks comfy and the kid’s enjoying it. I guess britax has proved already their great products.
February 22, 2016 at 3:42 pm
This looks fab, we’ve had the B-Motion 3 which I really like. Love Britax brand though
Zoe L recently posted…ChattyFeet Socks | A Review
February 22, 2016 at 6:53 pm
Little J doesnt like pushchairs anymore so I am a retired pushchair pushing mummy already. Gutted as I love the selection out there at the moment. Love his shoes – Little J has them too 🙂
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